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Adult Memory Games for Your Next Party

Four women who are talking, laughing and eating at a party

What could be more fun than some friendly adult memory games for your next party, baby or bridal shower, or family gathering?

Follow these simple formats, and add your own twists for a truly memorable game night!

Detailed Differences

Aqua pencil

Supplies: Paper and pencil for each guest, two willing volunteers that you've prepared in advance

Before the game: Tell the two volunteers to bring layered clothing, some jewelry, purses, briefcases, hair clips, etc.  that they can quickly put on as the game begins. Let them know that during the game, they will stand in the middle of the group for everyone to carefully observe for one to two minutes.  

Man holding a lot of colorful neckties

At your request, they will then leave the room and make a few changes.

These changes could include: trading neckties, cardigans, or purses; removing or adding jewelry or glasses; moving a hair clip from the left side to the right side of the head, etc.

Combined, the two should try to make about 15-20 changes in all. 

To play the game:

1. Ask your volunteers to leave the room and prepare for the game. 

2. Gather the other guests into a circle. 

3. Tell the guests that your volunteers have agreed to play along. Their job is to simply observe them, paying attention to details.

Two cartoon men talking to each other

4. Ask the two volunteers to come to the center of the circle and start a normal (or silly) conversation. 

5. After 1-2 minutes, ask the volunteers to leave the room.

6. The volunteers should quickly make their planned changes.

7. The volunteers should re-enter the circle, this time for just half the time of their first appearance. Again, they can converse.

8. Tell the volunteers to leave.

9. Pass out paper and pencil to all the guests.

10. Tell the guests to list all the changes they spotted in the appearances of your volunteers from their first to their second appearance. 

Cartoony guy holding a sign that reads, PRIZES

To End the Game

1. Ask the volunteers to rejoin the group and list all the changes they made to their appearances.

2. Ask your guests  to score their own papers.

3. Find out which guest(s) scored the highest. Award a small prize to the winner (s). 

For a more challenging version of this fun game, ask THREE people to make more detailed differences!

More Adult Memory Games

Easy chair with the word PANDA attached to it, from one of our fun Adult Memory Games at www.word-game-world.com

For another fun, flexible party format, try this Memory Mayhem Party Game

How many of your guests will remember all the goofy labels you've placed around the room? Where was the word kumquat? What word was on the TV?

Best of all, which of your friends has the best memory?

Word Wall 1 - Give yourself or your friends just one minute to learn all 25 words on this wall. Then try to answer ten questions about those words correctly. Can you do it? 

When you've completed that one, try Word Wall 2.   Find all of our adult memory games here

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