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Word Find Games


perplexed man, scratching his head

The word find games listed on this page are the most challenging ones on our site. Scroll through the list to find the ones you want to tackle!

If you're looking for something a bit easier, please see the links below at the right. Of course, everyone has a different idea of what's hard and what's easy, so you just might want to try them all!

Word Find Games Directory :

difficult word search puzzle, Five-Letter Fiasco

Five-Letter Fiasco Probably our most difficult word search game! We've hidden 70 five-letter words. Each starts with one of the last five letters of the alphabet: V, W, X, Y, or Z. So what's the trick? We don't supply the word list!

Mystery Word List - This one may be slightly easier than the one above, but it's still one of our hard word search Puzzles. This time we've hidden just 25 words. But you'll still need to figure out which ones!

man eating his lunch on a park bench

Lunch Break - Take a break from work for some word play fun! There are 40 words in the puzzle, but only 39 on the list. How can this be? Read the directions and solve the puzzle to find out.

Scrabble word search puzzle

Scrabble Word Search - All the words in this word list are related to the popular Scrabble TM board game. The only trick? You need to unscramble them before you find them in the word search!

Music Word Search  How familiar are you with German Composers like Beethoven? Try this word search and find the names of 40 German composers from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras.

Planets in outer space

Space Word Search - Try to discover all 40 outer space-related words. We only put 39 of them in the word list.

Spanish Word Search If you know the Spanish words for numbers, days and colors, this will be easy. But if you don't....Well, here's a great way to practice learning them!

Search-A-Word Puzzle about Transportation in the shape of a ship

Transportation Search-a-Word - A uniquely-shaped puzzle you're sure to love! It features lots of different modes of transportation.

Color Me Puzzled!- Will this puzzle have you seeing red? We sure hope not! Look for SIXTY color words in this one.

cocker spaniel

Dog Breeds Calling all animal lovers. Here's a Dog Word Search Puzzle that you're going to love! Can you find 40 dog breeds here? As an extra “twist,” we’ve also hidden the name of a beloved fictional dog. Can you find his name?

Baseball Word Search Hit a home run and find 40 baseball terms. There's a bit of a twist--don't make an error!

Football Word Search Are you ready for some football and a football word search? Find 54 terms related to football.

Find more free crosswords on my Spelling Website!

Try some crosswords, too!

While you're here at Word-Game-World, why not try a few of our difficult printable crosswords? 

Cartoon face, from our Cartoon Fill-In Crossword Puzzle

Fill In Crossword Puzzles Here's a cartoon themed crossword for you to fill in. 40 cartoon and comic strip characters in this puzzle.

Acronym Crossword Puzzle This interesting acronym crossword uses terms from government, medicine, technology, sports and more. Simply supply the missing word in each acronym.


Let's Eat: This isn't too difficult... You'll probably have little problem thinking of the right word, but you'll have to spell it correctly to complete the crossword!

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  2. Difficult Word Find Games
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


Think-a-Spell eBook

A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.

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101 Word Play Puzzlers

101 Word Play Puzzlers - flat cover - large

More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!

Learn more>>>

We have LOTS of free word search games at Word Game World. Here's how to find them: