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Variety Printable Word Puzzles

Buzzword Logo Bee

If you like a variety of interesting printable word puzzles, you've come to the right site! Yes, we have plenty of traditional crosswords and word search puzzles, too. But we pride ourselves in our quirky, original game formats.

Try them out for yourself and see if you like playing them as much as we like writing them!

three purple nines

Nifty Nines An interesting English word game that requires you to answer questions about idioms and expressions that contain NINE or NINTH. 

Random Definition Puzzle with the word, Artichoke

Random Definitions: In this free word puzzle design, you'll solve crossword-type clues using a certain set of letters. Then you have to figure out where to place the answers in the puzzle diagram. Fun and challenging!

Buzzword sample grid

Buzzwords: Perhaps our favorite invention of all! You'll look answers to clues in a honeycomb-shaped word search puzzle. A unique combination of crosswords, word searches and anagrams, all wrapped up into one sweet puzzle!

zigzag puzzle diagram

ZigZags: Another original design, this puzzle will have you zigzagging your through a set of seven 7-letter words. Sounds easy, right? Try them, then decide. Better yet, write to us and let us know how you like them.

Under Construction: A one-of-a-kind word play puzzler. Insert each letter of the alphabet into a different word and rearrange the letters to make a new word. Sounds simple enough. But which letter goes with which word?

Quotable Quandary and Shifting Sands: Two more unique printables. You'll uncover a humorous quote if you can figure out how to do it. Then change one letter at a time to transform one beach word into another. It's a familiar word puzzle format that never gets old!

triangulair word puzzle

Triangulairs: Use the letters in the triangles to form 4-letter words and the big 10-letter word. Can you beat our scores? This is fun game to play on your own when you have just a few minutes.

Print one out, stick it in your briefcase or put by the TV. Solve it when you have a minute or two. If you beat our score, be sure to write us and tell us!

Colorful number three, from our "Third Bible Trivia" page

The "Third" Bible Trivia Quiz - Here's a unique set of questions all about things that came not first, not second, but THIRD in the Bible. Are you up to this challenge?

guy saying SOLVES = LOVES

Anagrams!  You can solve anagrams to your heart's delight here at Word-Game-World. Remember, anagrams are simply letters from one word rearranged to spell another word. Our collection ranges from easy to difficult, featuring all sorts of interesting topics. These are very entertaining printable word puzzles!

More Printable Word Puzzles

You may also enjoy some of these popular printable puzzles:

Celebrity Anagrams

NY Times Crossword Trivia

Honeymoon Word Scramble

Weekly Cryptograms

Fruity Word Search

We have lots of fun printable word games for kids, too, including this collection of word scrambles and this Disney Crossword.

Can you tell we love to invent word games here? Please contact us to let us know how like them, and what kinds of puzzles you like best!

  1. Word Game World
  2. Variety Games
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.

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101 Word Play Puzzlers

101 Word Play Puzzlers - flat cover - large

More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!

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