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Baby Shower Crossword Puzzles

Baby Body Language

bab in a ruffly white bonnet

Baby shower crossword puzzles make any baby shower lots of fun! Guests enjoy a bit of friendly competition, along with the treats and gifts. There are lots of other great games to play at baby showers, too, such as memory games, word search puzzles, and word scrambles. Be sure to check out all the baby shower games offered on this site!

This quick little ready-to-print crossword puzzle is perfect for a baby shower. It doesn't take long to play, but it may not be quite as easy as it looks, either!

Crossword Puzzle

The names for many parts of a baby’s body have other meanings, too. Use the clues to figure out these 18 double-meaning words.

Here's a peek at the printable page. The full text of the clues also appears below. 

Printable puzzle and solution

Baby Shower Crossword Puzzles : Body Language

Baby Shower Crossword Puzzle Clues:


3.     A type of macaroni

5.     A large storage box

7.     A command you might give to your dog

9.     A tropical tree

10.   A room in a jail

11.   One-third of a yard

12.   A set of cards dealt to a player

14.   The strip of material under your shoelaces

16.   To tease someone


 1.     Where you put the thread in a needle

2.     Place where a river enters the sea

4.     Very trendy and stylish

5.     A young cow

6.     Projections on the edge of a gear

8.     The upper end of your bed

11.   Part of a clock

13.   Item frequently used by a carpenter

15.   A chewable treat

Across: 3. Elbow 5. Chest 7. Heel 9. Palm 10. Cell 11. Foot 12. Hand 14. Tongue 16. Rib
Down: 1. Eye 2. Mouth 4. Hip 5. Calf 6. Teeth 8. Head 11. Face 13. Nail 15. Gum

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  1. Word Game World
  2. Baby Shower
  3. Body Language
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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