Here's a baby shower word search like you've never seen!
We don't supply the word list. Your guests will need to figure out the words for themselves as they search through our cute baby bottle word search puzzle.
To solve this puzzle, guests need to find 17 words to describe what a baby does. One word, SLEEP, is marked as an example. Guests will quickly find at least most of the answers, by thinking about what a baby does, and by looking through the puzzle and finding words.
Tip: If you can prevent your guests from sharing answers with each other, the game will be extra-fun!
Complete Printable Version and Solution
We think you'll also want to try:
Baby Word Search: This word search contains 40 words, but one very important word has been left out of the puzzle. Can you find which one?
Popular Boys' and Girls' First Names: Which baby names are most popular? Your guests will find out when they play this baby shower word search game.
Here are a few more items we hope you'll want to try from our collection of new baby shower games. These are all FUN and FREE.
Memorable Name Game: No prep, no supplies required. A simple, fun and NEW baby shower game!
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Baby Names of 1900's Scramble: Some baby names are popular for a few years; others are timeless. Unscramble the top 10 baby names in the U.S. for boys and girls from 1900 to 1909. You may be surprised to see how many are still popular today!
We also have a lot of bridal shower games and activities you might like to try including:
Crazy Bridal Shower Games - Three fun games guaranteed to bring lots of laughs and interaction.
Bridal Shower Purse Game - A rollicking fun game where guests earn (or lose) points based on the contents of their purses. This is always a fun format!
Wedding Word Scrambles - Links to several word scrambles for fun wedding shower games!
Please note we also have lots of free word search puzzles and crosswords at all levels of difficulty. Lots of folks especially enjoy our easy crosswords.
A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!
Packed with 20 all-new crosswords, this is written especially for educators and parents of kids in grades 3-5. FUN!!!