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Bible Puzzles for Kids

Alphabet Challenge

Bible graphic with cross

Try our Bible puzzles for kids! You're sure to find several that are just right for your child or Bible class. Here's one of our favorites. It's as simple as ABC...sort of!


Remove each letter of the alphabet, in order. Then place the remaining letters in the blanks at the bottom to spell an important Bible verse.

Printable version


kids Bible puzzle

Bible puzzles for kids are one of the best ways to reinforce important scriptures. When children solve puzzles and word games, they're thinking about the Bible stories while having fun.

Bible puzzles can add a nice change of pace to family night or Sunday School class. We suggest you use an assortment of puzzle formats. Crosswords, word search puzzles and variety puzzles -- like the one here --all have a place in the learning environment.

More Bible Puzzles for Kids:

Listening ear

Who Heard It? - Try to identify the person who heard God say each of these familiar statements. It's a multiple choice Bible quiz for kids.

David and Goliath Word Puzzle Here's a unique word game for kids about one of the most beloved stories in the Old Testament.

Kids Bible Games Jesus Feeds a Crowd. Kids will enjoy this activity as they learn about the famous Bible story from the 14th chapter of Matthew.

Noah's ark

Noah's Ark Bible Crossword Can you answer all these clues on one of the most famous events in the Bible?

The Birth of Christ Solve this crossword about the arrival of Baby Jesus. Great for Christmas -- or anytime!

Bible School Games - Fun ways to learn Bible verses during Bible school or anytime!

Bible bingo game card

Ready-to-Print Bible Bingo - Use our Old Testament bingo cards, our New Testament bingo cards, or make your own using our blank template. 

Who Was Jesus? - Here's an engaging word search puzzle. Solvers must find 40 different names for Jesus from the Bible. How many do YOU know?

The Books of the New Testament Great for personal use or a Sunday School class. Find all the books of the New Testament. Don't miss the little "twist" in this one!

Books of the Bible Word Scramble - How quickly can your kids (or you?!) unscramble the names of 16 books of the Bible? There's also an added twist in this game we think you're going to like.

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  1. Word Games
  2. Bible Activities
  3. ABC Challenge
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


Think-a-Spell eBook

A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.

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101 Word Play Puzzlers

101 Word Play Puzzlers - flat cover - large

More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!

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Free John 3:16 eBook! 

Free John 3:16 Puzzle and Coloring eBook for Kids, Parents & Teachers

Free John 3:16 Puzzle and Coloring eBook for Kids, Parents & Teachers!  Learn and share the Good News. 22 pages in all. Co-written by Keith & Ann Fisher 

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