Bible study games are a really great way to learn about the scriptures.
Some of the best free Bible Games are the simplest ones. Here is a classic game that's hard to beat when you need a game to play with a group of people.
This game requires little preparation and few supplies. It can work for almost any age!
1. Prepare several Bible trivia questions in advance. Questions can cover a Bible story or chapter you want to review. Or you can use general Bible knowledge questions. You’ll need about 8-9 questions per round, and you may want to play several rounds, depending on the amount of time that’s available. If you want some ideas for trivia questions, see our Bible Baseball game.
Divide your group into two teams. Guys/girls can work well if the
numbers are about even. Choose one team to be the Xs, and the other to
be the Os.
3. Draw a tic-tac-toe board on a whiteboard, chalkboard, or even a large piece of paper.
Ask the first question to the X team. If they get the right answer,
they choose where they want to draw an X on the tic-tac-toe board. If
they are wrong, the O team gets a chance to answer it.
Ask the second question to the O team. If they answer correctly, they
draw an O on the game board. If they answer incorrectly, the X team has
the opportunity to answer it.
6. Continue in the same manner until one team 3 Xs or 3 Os in a row.
7. The first team to get 3 of their marks in a row wins that round.
8. If no team gets 3 in a row, there is no winner for that round.
If you're looking for more Bible study games to use in a group, or own your own, try some of these:
Bible Bingo Game Old Testament Bible Bingo at its best! Play it at your next family night or youth group meeting.
Bible Baseball Batter Up! Test your group's knowledge for Bible Trivia in this fun game for any size group. We've included a printable list 30 questions and answers for your convenience.
Who Was Jesus? Jesus was called by many names in the Bible. We’ve hidden 40 of them in this puzzle. See how many you can find.
The Books of the New Testament
Great for personal use or a Sunday School class. Find all the books of
the New Testament. Don't miss the little "twist" in this one!
Wise Up! You'll uncover a great verse from Ecclesiastes, IF you're wise enough to correctly follow all the directions! Great for ages 8 to adults.
Names for Jesus - One of our most popular printable Bible games! Start at one letter, follow our directions and spell name after name for Jesus.
A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!