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Bible Word Puzzles

Bible word puzzles are a great addition to any church or family event. You can even solve lots of them -- including this one -- on your own! You'll just need to carefully follow directions to uncover a great verse from the book of Ecclesiastes

Wise Up!

owl sitting on a branch

Uncover some wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes by carefully following the instructions below. Are you wise enough to solve this on your first attempt?

Printable Version & Answer

"Wise Up" is a fun and challenging Bible word puzzle


1. Cross out all the words in Columns A and F that have five letters.

2. Cross out all the words in the table that rhyme with eyes.

3. Cross out all words that are books of the Bible.

4. Cross out all words in Row 2 that have more than two vowels.

open bible

5. Cross out all words in Column D that have double letters.

6. Cross out all words in Row 4 that contain all the letters in GOD.

7. Cross out all 7-letter words.

8. Cross out all words in Column B that end in T.

9. Cross out all words in Row 6 that have three syllables.

Read the remaining words, in order from left to right and top to bottom.  (Check your answer in the printable version above!)

Don't miss our brand-new collection of Bible Trivia Quizzes, Games and Puzzles!

More Bible Word Puzzles

You'll find a huge variety of fun Bible Word Puzzles here at Word-Game-World! We have word searches, crosswords, and lots of unique puzzles for adults and kids.

Here are just a few from our assortment:

Holy Bible

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Bible Brainstorming I Perfect for any group gathering. These free Bible games challenge everyone to supply as many answers as possible before time runs out!

Bible Brainstorming II  If you enjoyed solving our first Bible Brainstorming word puzzle, here’s a new challenge. Warning: This one is even tougher.

Bible Word Searches & Crosswords

Jesus praying

Who Was Jesus? Jesus was called by many names in the Bible. We’ve hidden 40 of them in this puzzle. See how many you can find.

The Books of the New Testament Great for personal use or a Sunday School class. Find all the books of the New Testament. Don't miss the little "twist" in this one!

Queen Esther

Noah's Ark Bible Crossword Can you answer all these clues on one of the most famous events in the Bible?

The Story of Esther One of the most remarkable women in the Bible, the wise and beautiful Queen Esther, is the centerpiece of this interesting crossword puzzle.

  1. Word Games
  2. Bible Games
  3. Wise Up!
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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