Looking for Biblical crossword puzzles? Test your knowledge of the story of the wise and beautiful Queen Esther in this challenging Bible crossword! We've used the NIV Bible in writing the clues. Our answers appear at the bottom of the page.
2. Number of days the king’s banquet lasted before his queen was deposed
3. The king offered this portion of his kingdom to Esther.
7. The king's second edict allowed the Jewish people to ___ themselves.
9. Esther's cousin uncovered a plan to ___ the king.
12. Celebration that marks the month when Jewish sorrow was turned to joy
13. Pompous royal official to whom everyone was told to bow
14. Queen who refused to obey the King's summons
16. What Esther did for 3 days before approaching the king
17. Beautiful girls were brought into the king's ____.
21. Where Esther's cousin often waited to learn about her status
24. What the King set upon Esther's head
25. Xerxes ruled from ___ to Cush.
26. Esther kept her family background ___ from the king.
27. Type of ring used by the king to seal all orders
28. Event to which Esther invited the King before she presented her petition
1. One could only appear before the king if the king extended his ___.
2. What Esther's cousin wore when he learned of the deadly edict
4. Name of Esther's father
5. The king wanted to teach all women to ___ their husbands.
6. Banquet beverage
7. A decree was written in the laws of ____ and Media.
8. Tribe from which Esther's family was descended
10. Capital from which the King ruled on his throne
11. Hegai was the king's _____, placed in charge of the women.
15. Where two disloyal officials were hung
18. The cousin who had raised Esther
19. Esther's alternate name
20. A robe and ___ were to be given to the man the king chose to honor.
22. Number of months of beauty treatments prescribed before women were allowed to go to the king
23. An ____ was decreed to annihilate the Jewish people.
©2010 word-game-world.com
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