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Three Bridal Shower Games 
to Play For a Crazy Time!

Here are three fun bridal shower games to play for lots of laughs and interaction among your guests. You're sure to love them. Try one, or try them all!

A Taboo Word

Women eating at a bridal shower

At the beginning of the shower, give each person a rubber band to wear on her wrist. Tell guests that no one is allowed to say the word, “Wedding” (or some other word of your choice).

When someone utters the taboo word, the person who catches her takes the offender's rubber band.

At the end of the party, whoever has collected the most rubber bands receives a prize.

It's fun to see which guests care very little about the game and are happy to lose their rubber bands, as well as who aggressively tries to collect more bands. That's why this is one of the silliest bridal shower games to play. It's also one of the easiest for the hostess!

Foolish Questions & Answers

green and yellow question mark

Give each guest two small pieces of paper and a pencil. Ask each person to write a question related to a wedding on one piece of paper, and a foolish answer to her question on the other piece of paper.

Collect all the questions and shuffle them. Collect all the answers and mix them up as well.

Then give each person both a question and answer. (They will probably not be a match.) Ask each guest to share her question and its new answer with the group. The laughs are guaranteed!


This is scrap booking like you've never seen before! Before the shower, buy a new scrapbook with removable pages. Take the pages apart.

Label the top of each page with a different heading, such as My First Picture, My First Haircut, My First Day of School, My First Job, My Favorite Vacation,My First Date with (name of Groom), My Retirement Years, etc.

Also collect some old magazines, catalogs, markers, crayons, pens, glue and scissors.

At the shower, give each guest one of the pages from the scrap book. (Or for a fun variation, assign pairs of guests to work together on the same page.)

Give guests 15 minutes to complete one page of the bride's biography. They can attempt to be serious or be intentionally ridiculous!

Suggest that guests cut pictures from the magazines and catalogs, and/or draw their own illustrations. They can also add captions or descriptions, as needed. Finally, they should be sure to sign their work.

At the end of 15 minutes, each page should be shared with the group and given to the hostess to reassemble into the scrapbook as a gift for the bride.

More Bridal Shower Games to Play

purse stuffed full

Here are some more fun games for your next wedding shower:

Bridal Shower Purse Game: Each guest will find treasures in her purse that will yield lots of points. But will she find items that will cost her points, too? New twists on a fun game.

Wedding Word Search Puzzle This word search puzzle features all the important people needed to put a wedding together. But one name is missing. How long will it take your guests to find it?

What's Cooking-Bridal Shower Game: Do your guests know all about food? Let them try this fun trivia quiz!

More Wedding Word Scramble puzzles Links to our free, printable wedding scrambles.

Remember Our Bridal Shower Games to Play For Your Next Wedding Celebration!

  1. Word Games
  2. Bridal Shower
  3. Three Bridal Shower Games to Play
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