We have some of the most unique crossword puzzles to print on the web, and we think you're going to love this one!
We’ve gathered acronyms from government, medicine, technology, sports and more for this interesting crossword puzzle. Simply supply the missing word in each acronym. We’ve given you the first letter of each missing word. For example, in #1 across, the missing word is FREE.
1. BOGOF: Buy One Get One F___
4. MADD: Mothers Against D___ Driving
5. DAB: D__ Audio Broadcasting
7. ADD: A___ Deficit Disorder
8. DEA: D__ Enforcement Agency
10. ABA: American B__ Association
11. ACORN: Association of C___ Organizations for Reform Now
15. DVM: Doctor of V__ Medicine
16. GAO: Government A___ Office
21. EP: Extended P___
22. FAA: Federal A___ Administration
26. HDM: H___ Decision-Making
27. PAYD: Pay As You D____
28. GFI: Ground F___ Interrupter
2. FEMA: Federal E___ Management Agency
3. AFT: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and F___
4. FDD: Flight D__ Recorder
5. 4 D____
6. MLL: Major League L___
9. DNR: Do Not R____
12. ACLU: American C___ Liberties Union
13. HBV: Hepatitis B V___
14. GCF: Greatest Common F___
17. EBO: Encyclopædia B___ Online
18. PAO: Public A___ Officer
19. MCSF: M___ Corps Security Forces
20. RCMP: Royal Canadian M___ Police
23. 4WD: 4 W___ Drive
24. NATO: North Atlantic T___ Organisation
25. GPA: Grade P___ Average
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