Here's a free easy crossword puzzle for readers, writers and just about everyone!
Take a look on your bookshelf to see if you have any of these volumes. You probably have several!
Printable Free Easy Crossword Puzzle
1. A day-to-day record of events, thoughts, feelings and personal activities
4. A book of general information including facts, records, calendar and weather
6. A collection of recipes and cooking tips
7. A book that a person writes to tell the story of his own life
9. A book of maps
10. A story in which animals speak and act like humans that also includes a lesson or moral at the end
11. A story of the adventures of make-believe characters such as wizards, fairies and dragons (2 words)
1. A book of words with definitions, pronunciations and word origins, arranged in alphabetical order
2. A book of related cartoons that tell a story (2 words)
3. A short rhyme of children that often tells a story
5. An account of events and observations, usually less personal than a diary
8. The story of a person's life, written by another person
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