This free easy crossword puzzle is about home work, but probably not the kind you might be expecting! It features the names of different types of homes in which people live. (Did we get you on that one?)
After you've tried this one, please come back and try more of our easy crosswords. Don't miss our special collection for kids. Adults like these, too!
Printable version of this free easy crossword and answers
ACROSSWhat's the Scoop? A cool, yummy puzzle, all about ice cream! Just unscramble the names of the most popular ice cream flavors and place them in the puzzle.
Famous Pairs: If you can finish clues like peanut butter and ?, you'll have a blast with this one!
American Holidays and Observances There's always something to celebrate! See if you can figure out the names of these special days and events.
Insects! Don't let this subject bug you! It's really not that difficult!
Let's Eat: If you're ready for something just a wee bit tougher, try this one. You'll probably have little problem thinking of the right word, but you'll have to spell it correctly to complete the crossword!
Why not try a few of these puzzles?
Stormy Weather Crossword! - Weather or not this is a breeze to solve, I’m sure you’ll feel right as rain when you’ve finished! Each clue in this crossword is a scrambled word related to the weather.
1980's Movie Word Scramble Puzzle: Are you a 80's Movie Buff? If so, you have to try this one! See how many of these popular 1980's movies you can remember and unscramble!
Mystery Word Scrambles: Try these mystery scrambles. Can you solve each word scramble puzzle? In each set of scrambled words, one of the words describes a topic. The other seven words are related to it.
A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!