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Free Easy Crossword :
Home Work!

Camper peeking out of a simple tent

This free easy crossword puzzle is about home work, but probably not the kind you might be expecting! It features the names of different types of homes in which people live. (Did we get you on that one?)

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Printable version of this free easy crossword and answers

Home Work: A Free Easy Crossword about different kinds of homes
1. Large, grand building for royalty
4. A house usually located in a remote place, used for hunting or skiing
5. A building or set of buildings where soldiers live
7. Kind of apartment with just one room, kitchen and bathroom
8. A very tall apartment building (hyphen removed)
11. A priest's home
13. An apartment on one floor of a building
14. An apartment building or multi-unit structure in which each unit is owned, nickname
16. A large country house with lots of buildings on a large piece of land
17. A large, flat-bottom boat used as a home
18. Portable house made of canvas, nylon or skins
19. A home for nuns

1. Large apartment located at the top of a building
2. A set of rooms in a building that can be rented
3. A mountain house with wide overhanging roof; style that originated in Switzerland
6. A trailer used as a permanent home, made without a permanent foundation (2 wds.)
9. A house built by Eskimos of blocks of ice
10. A traveling home built on the frame of a truck (2 wds.)
12. Abe Lincoln's kind of home (2 wds.)
15. A shack

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  2. Easy Crosswords
  3. Home Work
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