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Free Printable Bible Games

Hidden Books of the Bible

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With our free printable Bible games, there will be hours of fun for your next church group or family night! This puzzle is especially fun, because the names of 17 books of the Bible are hidden in a rather ordinary story about a fruit market. How long will it take you to find them all? 


The names of 17 books of the Bible, from both the Old and New Testaments, are hidden inside of bigger words, or are spread across more than one word. Sometimes the name is even used as a normal word in the story. Here's an example of a hidden word:

The light it used was excessive. (Titus)

Now try to find the names of 17 books of the Bible in the fictional story below. Use the printable version, or search from your screen and check your answers below.

A Trip to the Farmer's Market

scene from a fruit market

Free Printable Bible Game & Answers

It could have only been a fluke that led us to the market yesterday. We arrived just in time to see our favorite comic. Ahhh! What a treat. We learned that the comic had just signed several new contracts to perform in our area. We also enjoyed the banjo elements of a blue grass band. And, wearrived just in time for a huge rainstorm!

Working quickly, my mom chose a lovely melon and some delicious low-sugar jam, estimated to have just 5 calories per serving. (If you want to know the truth, I seriously doubt that claim!) When we asked one vendor why her tomatoes were so large, she explained how she could format the watering system to run only, and always, when needed. What a great way to do the job! With the rain now coming down in sheets, her plants would need no watering today.

We noticed a mostly-empty stall where someone could probably make a lot of money. In fact, we started crunching some numbers, wondering if we might be able to sell our garden produce there in the future.

After a short while, we took a break under a roof. My elderly mom needed to rest her feet. Then I realized I was exhausted, too. (It's not in the genes, is it?)

Meanwhile, my big brother tried to be a hero. Man, someone should tell him to be more careful when he runs into the street to fetch a little kid's soccer ball! He should more accurately judge speeds of oncoming traffic, especially in the rain!

As we were leaving, we again discussed the empty market stall and talked about trying to sell our extra beans and corn there. After performing some careful calculations, my big brothersaid, “Nah, umbrellas are the way to go. Lots of people sell vegetables, but no one is selling umbrellas!”

Today that would have been a great item to sell.

1. fluke = Luke 2. market = Mark 3. comic. Ahhh! = Micah 4. contracts = Acts 5. banjo elements = Joel 6. chose a = Hosea 7. jam, estimated = James 8. truth = Ruth 9. format the watering = Matthew 10. job = Job 11. a mostly-empty = Amos 12. numbers = Numbers 13. rest her = Esther 14. gene, is = Genesis 15. hero. Man someone = Romans 16. judge speeds = Judges 17. Nah, umbrellas = Nahum

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  2. Bible Games
  3. Hidden Books of the Bible
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