These are mind-boggling games for YOUR brain, if you’re up to the challenge. Why are these so confusing? Because here is ZERO worth more than ONE!
Use the chart at the right to find the value of the CAPITALIZED words below. Add the value of each letter to get the total worth of each word.
For example,
ONE = 15 + 14 + 5 = $34
ZERO = 26 + 5 + 18 + 15 = $64
Here's a quick peek at the printable page. The complete text can be found below and in the pdf version.
Please note that some of the later questions have multiple answers that are not included. Please send your favorite solutions to me using this contact form.
1. What is the value of SIX?
2. Put these number words in order from least to greatest worth: TWO, THREE, FOUR
3. Put these number words in order from least to greatest worth: EIGHT, NINE, TEN
4. __ + __ + __ + T + Y = $84
5. __ + __ + __ + __ + T + Y =
6. What's the difference between EIGHTY and ELEVEN?
7. Find two numbers that are worth more than $90 and less than $100.
8. Find two numbers that are worth MORE than $100.
9. Find a number that's worth exactly $100.
10. Find two number words that are both worth exactly $87.
Car Talk - Great brain games for seniors, especially, if you remember cars from the 60s through the current models. Of course, you don't have to know all about cars to tackle these challenges!
Percy's Pet Shop Puzzler - Kids will find the values of short animal names and solve a variety of questions featuring the Dollar Dictionary method.
Colors! - These brain fitness games will color your world with fun -- and challenge. How quickly can you solve these colorful conundrums?
Occupational Hazard - Don't say I didn't warn you..but some of these questions are nearly impossible, unless you are a word connoisseur with a bit of patience!
You can also find some great games for your brain and spelling brain teasers on Spelling Words Well, including:
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Brain Teasers for
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difficult letters with hidden messages. Good spelling skills are the
key to uncovering them!
Our cryptogram puzzles, difficult crosswords and difficult word searches!
A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!