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Hidden Word Puzzles

ZigZags 7 and 8

Zig Zag Hidden Word Puzzle

Once you get a taste of these hidden word puzzles, you will keep coming back for more! Zig Zags are a fun and exciting word challenge where you'll put your word skills to the test.

To solve our ZigZag puzzles, you need only to complete the spellings of seven 7-letter words. Be sure to read the instructions and see our completed example.

And in case you missed them, be sure to try ZigZags 5 and 6.

ZigZag 7

Printable version of ZigZags 7 and 8

ZigZag Hidden Word Puzzle
Wiretap, Approve, Vertigo, Goulash, Shuffle, Leisure, Referee

ZigZag 8

ZigZag Wordpuzzles
Imagine, Nemesis, Isolate, Tempera, Ragweed, Edifice, Ceramic

More Hidden Word Puzzles

Bowl of fruit

Fruity Word Search -  Here’s an easy word search for beginning puzzlers of all ages. Fruit is healthy to eat and fun to find in this simple puzzle page! Did your favorite fruits make our list?

Double-Letter Animals - This one "otter" be a lot of fun, no matter your age or location. For an extra puzzler, how many more double-letter animals can you man that are not on our list?

Map of Ireland from our Irish Word Search puzzle

Ireland Word Search - Find all counties, rivers and other important words related to the Emerald Isle. Can you find out how many times the word GREEN appears?

Word search in a coffee mug shape

Coffee Word Search - This clever puzzle is designed inside a coffee mug! Grab a cup of your favorite blend while you solve this fun printable word find game. 

50 States Word Search Game - Find all fifty states of the United States. Fun to solve no matter where you live!

green and yellow question mark

Hard Word Search Puzzle Find just 25 words in this hidden word puzzle. Sound easy? We don't tell you the words, but we will give you a few hints. Challenging and fun!

Other Fun Puzzle Designs

Buzzword sample game diagram

We've invented more of the wackiest word puzzles around. Try some of these original designs:

Buzzwords - Use crossword clues to search through a honeycomb maze of scrambled letters to find seven-letter words. If you're successful with that, you'll also get to solve the final clue that reveals the BUZZWORD. A sweet treat!

Dynamites - Use the letters in the 9-letter "Dynamites" word to spell two different sets of three 3-letter words. How hard can that be? Try it and find out!

Random Definitions: Spell to fit definitions using a small set of letters, then place them correctly in the diagram. To solve the ARTICHOKE puzzle, for example, you'll use only the letters in ARTICHOKE to spell words for each definition. Then you must choose the correct place to write each word in the diagram. 

  1. Word Games
  2. ZigZags
  3. ZigZags 7 and 8
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


Think-a-Spell eBook

A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.

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101 Word Play Puzzlers

101 Word Play Puzzlers - flat cover - large

More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!

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List of all the ZigZags:

ZigZags #1 and #2

ZigZags #3 and #4

ZigZags #5 and #6

ZigZags #7 and #8

ZigZags #9 and #10

ZigZags #11 and #12

ZigZags #13 and #14

ZigZags #15 and #16