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Medical Crossword Puzzles

doctor with stethoscope

Have you tried and good medical crossword puzzles lately? Even if you're not a doctor, you probably know the names of many of the bones in the human skeleton. Solve as many as you can, by yourself or with a friend!

If you don't know all the answers, check a reference book or my solution.

Most importantly, stay safe and don't break any of these!

Printable Medical Crossword Puzzle               Answers

Medical Crossword Puzzle from www.word-game-world.com

Medical Crossword Puzzles Clues:

Foot, toes and ankle from our medical crossword puzzle


1.       Heel bone

3.       Tail bone

5.       Thigh bone

9.       Knee cap

12.     Ankle bone

13.     The larger of two lower leg bones

15.     Entire back bone

17.     Lower jaw bone

18.     Upper arm bone

19.     Hip bones

20.     Any of the small bones that make up the back bone

21.     Smallest bones in fingers and toes


1.       Head, or skull

2.       Shoulder blade

4.       Collar bone

6.       One of two lower arm bones, spelled with four letters

7.       One of two lower arm bones

8.       Hand bones

10.     Chest bone

11.     The smaller of two lower leg bones

14.     Upper jaw bone

16.     Ribs

Check your answers by viewing answer link above. 

Now try this Doctor, Doctor Medical Crossword from my other website, Spelling-Words-Well.com. It features the names of different types of doctors. It, too, is both FUN and CHALLENGING! 

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