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Printable Easy Crosswords

Scrambled Body Parts

little girl pointing to her elbow

Our printable easy crosswords are great for kids who are just learning how to solve crosswords, for ESL students, or for anyone who wants a quick puzzle to print and solve.

You can find more easy crosswords for adults here.

The puzzle on this page is one of the simplest in our collection. To solve it, just unscramble the names of different parts of the body and write them into the crossword.

Printable Puzzle and Answers

Printable Easy Crosswords are lots of fun! This one features scrambled body parts.  #easycrossword


12. KENC


10. KABC

More Printable Easy Crosswords:

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And don't miss our spelling games and reading games for kids! You'll find some really great learning games, including:

cartoon rabbit dreaming of a big carrot

Rabbit Reading Race: One of our most popular games! Players read and complete sentences with high-frequency words as they race to the finish line. Lots of fun! Grades 1-2

Quick Draw - Free Reading Game: Kids must follow directions and draw simple objects correctly. Accurate reading comprehension is a must! Students can add additional directions, making this a game to reuse throughout the school year. Grades 2-4

Tic Tac Toe Spelling: Just about everyone of has grown up playing tic tac toe. Here's a new class spelling game kids will really enjoy. For any grade level.

Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


Think-a-Spell eBook

A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.

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101 Word Play Puzzlers - flat cover - large

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