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Word Play Games

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ZigZags 11 and 12

ZigZag Word Play Games, from www.word-game-world.com

If you like unusual word play games, you'll have fun with our ZigZags, we're sure. Zigzags are the fun, new word puzzle with pizzazz! The directions are very simple.

  1. Complete the 7-letter word at the top of each diagram.
  2. Use the last two letters of the first word as the first two letters of the second word.

If you get stuck, try starting at the bottom of the diagram and working your way up, in reverse.

ZigZag 11

Printable version of ZigZags 11 and 12

Zig Zag Word Play Games
Giraffe, Fertile, Lettuce, Censure, Rejoice, Centaur, Uranium

ZigZag 12

ZigZag Word Play Games
Pumpkin, Intense, Serrate, Tempest, Stamina, Narrate, Testify

More Fun Word Play Games:

triangram sample puzzle

We've invented more of the wackiest word puzzles around. Try some of these original designs:

Buzzwords - Use crossword clues to search through a honeycomb maze of scrambled letters. Then use the center letter of each of your answers to spell the puzzle's BUZZWORD. It's a sweet treat!

Trianagrams - Use one letter from each row in the triangle to spell four letter words. Award yourself with a point for each word. Then, spell a ten-letter word using ALL the letters in the triangle for even more points. Can you beat my scores?

Traditional Puzzle Designs:

Commuter Crossword Puzzles You shouldn't need a crossword puzzle dictionary to solve this, making it the perfect puzzle for commuters. Print out an extra copy or two to share with your co-workers.

chocolate desserts

Delicious Dessert Word Scramble: Try this dessert scramble. Get comfortable and grab your favorite beverage and dessert and enjoy.

Disney Crossword Puzzles One of our most popular kids printable crossword puzzles! Supply the names of some major characters from several Walt Disney stories and movies.

Hollywood Movie marquee

Celebrities! Find the last name of the actor/actress who starred in each pair of films. Lots of fun!

Are you a Movie Buff? See if you can come up with 30 one-word movie titles from the Internet Movie Database’s list of top 250 movies of all time, as judged by the website’s users. Use the clues to find the name of each movie.

Printable Word Search Puzzles: Lots of fun topics included in this assortment!

Mark Twain

Cryptoquotes featuring witticisms by Mark Twain. Lots of fun to solve!

Anagram List: Here's a list of some perfect anagrams from The Anagram Dictionary by Michael Curl, published by Macmillan Publishers, LTD., 1982. A portion of each solution is given.

  1. Word Games
  2. ZigZags
  3. ZigZags 11 and 12
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


Think-a-Spell eBook

A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.

Learn More>>>

101 Word Play Puzzlers

101 Word Play Puzzlers - flat cover - large

More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!

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List of all the ZigZags:

ZigZags #1 and #2

ZigZags #3 and #4

ZigZags #5 and #6

ZigZags #7 and #8

ZigZags #9 and #10

ZigZags #11 and #12

ZigZags #13 and #14

ZigZags #15 and #16