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Word Search Puzzles for Kids

Have a Seat!

rocking chair

Word search puzzles for kids are always fun, even if you're not a kid! This puzzle is written in a fun shape that matches the theme of the puzzle. In fact, your kids just might want to sit down while they solve this one!!!

In this puzzle, kids need to find just 10 words. The words may be spelled across, backward, up or down.

Printable version of word search and answers

Word Search Puzzles for Kids - Have a Seat! Free #kidswordsearch

Word List:

  1. chair
  2. sofa
  3. bench
  4. stool
  5. pillow
  6. bed
  7. couch
  8. rocker
  9. swing
  10. glider

Extending this activity

After completing this puzzle, talk with your child about the words in the puzzle. Is s/he familiar with all of these seats? Do you need to explain any of these words? Or better yet, can you show some examples of these?

Challenge your child to make drawings of several of these seats. Encourage him or her to decorate them with wild new designs!

More Word Search Puzzles for Kids

Give Me An H! Another unusual shape forms one more of our word search puzzles for kids!

Disney Word Search - Find words from the titles of 50 animated Disney films. Puzzles don't get much better than this!

Green and purple dinosaur

Dinosaur Word Search - Find 25 words, hidden in all directions, that are related to these fascinating animals. Also find out how many times the word DINOSAUR appears!

Let's Take a Trip! What do you need when you go on a trip? What do you see? Find our list of 20 words.


Double-Letter Animals - This one "otter" be a lot of fun, no matter your age or location. For an extra puzzler, how many more double-letter animals can you name that are not on our list?

Kids' Word Search Assortment - View our entire set for kids. Teachers and parents, these are a fun way for children to practice those all-important reading and spelling skills.

Baby Word Search Just one from our collection. Fun to solve on your own or at a baby shower!

Word search puzzles are a great way for kids to practice reading and spelling skills while they have fun! That's why you'll find several here at word-game-world, along with a good assortment of fun reading games and spelling games for kids.

Other Easy Word Puzzles

tub of popcorn

We also have Kids' Crossword Puzzles on a variety of topics, including:

  • Disney Crossword Puzzle One of our most popular kids printable crossword puzzles! Supply the names of some major characters from several Walt Disney stories and movies.
  • Rhyme Time Here's a fun crossword for young children to enjoy as they complete the sentences with words that rhyme.
  • Famous Pairs In this light-hearted crossword puzzle, you'll need to think about common combos of food, TV characters and everyday items. Just supply the second item in each pair.

Please note that we have LOTS of word games and puzzles on this site at all levels of difficulty. Use the buttons on the left to find the kind of puzzles you like best!

  1. Word Games
  2. Kids’ Word Search
  3. Have a Seat!
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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We have LOTS of free word search games at Word Game World. Here's how to find them: