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Brain Games for Kids

abc value chart

If you're looking for some fun, free, entertaining brain games for kids, you've come to the right place!

On this page, you'll be presented with questions about a puzzling pet shop. How long will it take you to find the answers?

This puzzle uses our Dollar Dictionary scheme. Find complete instructions for solving these on this page.

Percy's Puzzling Pet Store

At Percy’s Pet Store, each animal is priced according to the letters in its name. A = $1, B = $2... Z = $26. The questions get harder the further down you go.

Note: You'll find links to the printable page (with value chart) and answers below.

To find the cost of an ANT, for example, you would add:    A  +  N  +   T

$1 + $14 + $20 for a total of $35.

(Shocking price, eh?)

Your Turn!

Printable version of all questions


Brain Games for Kids - Find the pet store prices graphic
Show the answer! 1. CAT = $24
2. BIRD = $33

3. SNAKE = ?                                4. PUPPY = ?

smiling snake and a puppy wagging its tail
Show the answer! 3. SNAKE = $50
4. PUPPY = $94

5. Now consider a HORSE and a HAMSTER. Which one cost more? How much more? Make an estimate, then find the answer!

HAMSTER = ?       HORSE = ?    The difference is ?

Show the answer! 5. 5. Hamster – $84, Horse - $65, Difference - $19

6. What’s the difference between a MOUSE and a MOOSE?

(You shouldn’t have to do any addition to solve this one!)       

Ready for some tougher brain games for kids?

7.  C _ _ _ = $24                    8.  F _ _ _ = $42

Show the answer! 7. CRAB

9. What’s the lowest-priced animal you can think of that’s spelled with three letters?

10. Think of at least one animal that costs more than $100.

Show the answer! 9. One possible answer is BEE. It costs just $12.
10. One possible answer is a PLAYPUS. It costs $130. There are other answers as well.

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  2. Fun Brain Games
  3. Brain Games for Kids
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