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Bridal Party Games

Wedding Cake Words

wedding cake

Are you looking for some great bridal party games to make that wedding shower even more spectacular? Check out the game below as well as the other wedding games on the site.


1. Print this game and give a copy to each guest. Also give each person a pencil.

2. Set a timer for 15 minutes.

3. See who can spelling the most words, using only the letters in WEDDING CAKE.  During the 15 minutes, allow guests to fill in the  blanks on their page. When time is up, ask each person to tally her score.

4. Be sure to have a fabulous prize for the guest(s) with the most points!

Bridal Party Games - Wedding Cake Word Game from Word-Game-World

There are many good reasons to play games at wedding showers. For instance, when there are people at a shower who don't know each other, a fun game gives all the guests something in common to talk about, to work on and to laugh about.

Games also keep guests busy while the hostess is waiting for latecomers or while she's doing last-minute things in the kitchen.

We think the best reason of all, however, is that most folks just like to play word games!

You may have noticed that we have a lot of wedding shower word games on this site. It happens to be one of our specialties. Be sure to try them all!

More Bridal Party Games

bridal shower purse game graphic

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What’s Cooking? Fun trivia quiz, all about food. It’s multiple-choice, so everyone has a chance to win!

Three Easy Shower Games: Taboo, Foolish Q & A, Scrapbook Little preparation, lots of fun! There will be a lot of laughs with any of these games, and lots of interactions among your guests.

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Honeymoon Word Scramble: What does every bride pack for her honeymoon? If your guests know the answers, they'll have no trouble with this word game!

Wedding Word Search Puzzle This word search puzzle features all the important people needed to put a wedding together. But one name is missing. How long will it take your guests to find it? A word search is always a crowd pleaser!

Don't miss all the other fun stuff here at Word-Game-World!

Our printable word searches, crosswords, anagrams, word scrambles, and Bible games can keep you entertained for countless hours! You'll find original puzzles here that aren't available anywhere else, such as our Buzzwords and ZigZags.

Word Play is What We Love!

  1. Word Games
  2. Bridal Shower
  3. Wedding Cake Word Game
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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