What's in a name? See if you can you solve our unique set of name anagrams. Use all the letters in the phrase to spell the name of a well-known person. The anagrams usually contain a bit of a clue to the person’s name. We think you'll agree that solving anagrams is a lot of fun!
Here's a peek at the Printable Name Anagrams. The full text also appears below.
Scientists and Inventors
1. Notes said, “Ohm.”
2. Radium came.
3. Legacy: Road’s hero
4. beans, celery, dicer
5. I sew a hole.
World Leaders in History
6. Hated for ill
7. That great charmer
8. Had Indian rig
9. Tidal forces
10. I lead, sir. (Last name only)
Celebrity Anagrams: See if you can rearrange the letters to spell the name of a current celebrity you might see on stage or in a movie.
Anagram examples: Here are some of our favorites. We've even included some from the Middle Ages!
Dynamites: Try to anagram our 9-letter words. This is a unique kind of word anagram you won't find anywhere else. It's a new kind of word anagram you'll only find here!
International Anagram: For those of you with an world-wide interest, we have a challenging list of countries and capitals for you to unscramble.
While you're here, why not try some of these popular word games?
Coffee Word Search - This clever puzzle is designed inside a coffee mug! Grab a cup of your favorite blend while you solve it.
London Fog - How knowledgeable are you about all things British? Try this word search to see if you can find 45 words related to London.
Celebrities! Find the last name of the actor/actress who starred in each pair of films in this crossword puzzle.
Commuter Crossword Puzzles You shouldn't need a crossword puzzle dictionary to solve this, making it the perfect puzzle for commuters. Print out an extra copy or two to share with your co-workers.
Cryptoquips - Decode this set of entertaining quotations.
Be sure to try out our wide assortment of puzzles for all ages!
A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!