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Simple Word Search

Give Me An H!

cheerleader with H on her sweater

Solving this simple word search should be a H-H-H-Happy time for you or your kids! While you're on our site be sure to check out more of our easy word search puzzles and easy crossword puzzles. We think you're going to love them!

On this puzzle, you'll need to find 20 words, and all the words begin with the letter H. Our word list appears below the puzzle. The answers can be spelled forward, backward, up, down and diagonally inside the word search puzzle.

Printable simple word search and answers

simple word search puzzle

Word List


















hot dog



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laughing hyena

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Books of the New Testament - This one's not too difficult, except maybe for the extra twist we've added!

Other Simple Word Puzzles

Why not try some more of our simpler word games and puzzles?

Easy Crosswords - There's something here for almost everyone!

Kids' Crosswords - More word puzzle fun, for kids of ALL ages.

tiny tree in someone's hand

So Tiny 10 scrambled words used to describe very tiny things. Can you solve them in a tiny amount of time?

Occupational Hazard: Don't miss this fun puzzle with a twist or two!

word game world logo

Here at Word-Game-World, we have a variety of puzzles for all ages. In addition to word search puzzles and crosswords, we also have a lot of fun word scramble games, anagrams, cryptograms, Bible word puzzles, and a huge collection of puzzles written especially for kids.

Be sure to bookmark us and come back often!

  1. Word Games
  2. Kids’ Word Search
  3. Simple Word Search
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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We have LOTS of free word search games at Word Game World. Here's how to find them: