Do you ever get tired of the same old wordpuzzles, games and quizzes? If so, you'll be bored no more with this original game format that's sizzling with PIZZAZZ!!
To solve our ZigZag puzzles, you need only to complete the spellings of seven 7-letter words. Be sure to read the complete instructions and see our completed example.
And in case you missed them, be sure to try ZigZags 1 and 2.
Here's a peek at the printable version of ZigZag 3
I've invented more of the wackiest word puzzles around. Try some of these original designs:
Buzzwords - Use crossword clues to search through a honeycomb maze of scrambled letters. A sweet treat!
Trianagrams - Spell four-letter and ten-letter words to match or beat my scores!
Random Definitions: Spell to fit definitions using a small set of letters, then place them correctly in the diagram. Sounds easy, right?
Find even more unique word games here.
Lots of Easy Printable Crossword Puzzles! Check out our growing collection, and try some of your favorite topics.
You may also enjoy our Printable Word Search Puzzles. Lots of topics for all ages!
Great Games Crossword How well do you know some of the most popular board games? Try this puzzle out to check your board game IQ.
Fun Brain Games Find some mind-stretching puzzlers that will test your vocabulary and logic skills. Pages for kids, adults and seniors!
Hard Word Search Puzzle Find just 25 words in this puzzle. Sound easy? We don't tell you the words, but we will give you a few hints. Challenging and fun!
Full-Service Spa Pamper yourself while you look for words in this printable word search puzzle. Don't miss the twist!
Sports Cities Find the hometown of teams from the NHL, NFL, MLB, and NBA.
1980's Movie Word Scramble Puzzle: Are you a 80's Movie Buff? Well go ahead and get your Big Hair Wig out of the closet and try this one. See how many of these popular 1980's movies you can remember and unscramble!
1990's Movie Word Scramble Puzzle: Here's more movie entertainment fun. Will the newer movies be easier for you to solve? Try this list and find out!
A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!